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Magic Potion's recommended brews

The Aerowhite

Like the name? Thanks, we came up with it ourselves.

At home we are big Aeropress fans and so our only current brew recommendation is Aeropress-based. We also like milk coffee, so that is what this is for (hence the name).

Stuff you will need

  • An Aeropress and stirring wand
  • An Aeropress filter set
  • A pouring mug of some sort
  • A timer
  • A temperature measurement. We use something like this
  • A burr grinder
  • And a set of scales

You can use paper filters but we much prefer special metal filters that let more oil through, creating a richer cup.

We have tried various metal filters and only recommend the Ameeus yin-yang set where you layer two together, creating an extremely fine filter.

You can also find the filter on Amazon here.

The brew method

For this brew method we recommend you use our Intensity mix, though you can also use Amber or Dark Elixir.

Prepping your coffee

  • Use any medium+ roasted coffee of your choice
  • Weigh 18-22 grams
  • Grind with a burr grinder to a medium-fine grind. This one you will need to adjust yourself as you test, since not all grinders/preferences are the same

Prepping your water

  • Pour ~300 mL into a kettle and boil
  • Once ready, pour into a metal barista jug with a temperature probe attached.
  • Our goal starting temperature of the water is 92 C

Prepping the Aeropress

  • We use a hybrid method of inverted and normal
  • Push the plunger into the Aeropress until just after the (4) mark. It should be in far enough to be firm and stable.
  • Stand it inverted with the opening facing up
  • Rinse your metal filter and have it ready-to-go in the cap

Brew time!

  1. Put the ground coffee into the Aeropress and pour over ~1 inch of water, enough to submerge all the grind and create a slurry

  2. Vigourously stir this slurry for a few seconds, so that we can "bloom" the grind first. After you have finished stirring, start a countdown timer of 3:00 minutes. If you are using a temperature probe clipped to your steel mug, remove it now.

  3. After 30 seconds (at the 2:30 mark), slowly pour the rest of the water into the Aeropress, gently stirring the slurry as you do so to mix it well. Fill up to a few millimeters below the rim. Be careful not to go so high that any coffee overflows.

  4. Pour out the rest of the hot water (and rinse your stirrer!). You'll use the metal jug as your base to press the coffee into.

  5. Cap the Aeropress firmly, then carefully flip it over and place it on top of your pouring mug (from inverted back to normal!). Grab the Aeropress base and swirl it in a circular motion a few times to agitate the grinds.

  6. Wait until the 1:00 mark and start gently and firmly pressing the plunger, aiming to take a full 60 seconds - so you will finish when the timer hits zero. Slower is better than too fast. Squeeze to the very end, pushing out remaining air and compacting the coffee.

  7. Once you are finished, we recommend rinsing the Aeropress under a cold tap, pulling the plunger back an inch, then uncapping it and pushing grinds into a bin. Then take a moment to rinse it and the filters if using metal filters ones – you can massage the filter with your thumbs under running water to clean it. We would not recommend using soap for this every time.

  8. Measure out ~100 mL of milk into a cup and pour in the Aeropress brew. It should be a beautiful light caramel colour.

Now you have your Aerowhite.

This brewing method should provide intense, flavourful milk coffee, especially if using our Intensity mix and 22 g of coffee.


  • Your results will vary depending on the beans, grind size and preference. Try to keep the brewing method strict and attentive so that you can explore different beans and roast levels with confidence.

  • You should feel significant resistance when pressing, which indicates a good settlement of grinds at the bottom has happened. If it's far too easy, your filter may be leaking or not combined well (in the case of the Ameeus double set), or the grinds are degassing a lot > not settling > no firm puck to press through.

General guidance